Wednesday, December 14, 2011

No wash Cotton ( or should that read self cleaning)

One of the major issues in space is having to expensively upload clean clothing (this in the physical sense, as we do not use avatars to run our space hotels,pizza parlours or even tourists) as no one has really sorted out how to wash clothes...

even worse is that all the dirty clothing, gets put into one of the supply rockets, along with all the other rubbish and shot back towards earth to burn up in the atmosphere. Hmm not very green I hear you thinking... However moves are being made in China to produce cotton garments coated with Titanium Dioxide which when exposed to sunlight eats odours and stains. The full article on the BBC is here.

The Japanese have also got in on the act with antibacterial underware entitled J-Ware tested in 2009 and designed and researched by the "Near-Future Space-Living Unit" group led by Prof. Yoshiko Taya of Japan Women's University.

All of these things may seem a little far fetched  but if people are going to be working on the moon or in floating orbital hotels these issues are going to be critical, Mega rich tourists will not wish to be served by hosts and hostesses with BO

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