Friday, April 20, 2012

How we thought we might live in the future

Some visions of future living for the 40's and 50,s
Interestingly as well as thinking about outer space, designers and imagineers were also thinking about living underwater...

Wednesday, April 4, 2012

Where might we live?

I wondered how we might be living out of this world....
So take off your helmet and settle back.

Saturday, March 24, 2012

Fashion space helmets

Although we can breath the atmosphere on earth, it did not pass the fashion designers attention, that the space helmet, could be used as a fashion accessory inspiration.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

2000 and 1 A Space Odessy

The blog has now reached 2001 visitors and time for a celebration I think....

Is that Leonard Rossiter on the left?

Well I didn't know that,
 Oh miss Jones.....

Transport for the earth bound

I have been collecting things on pinterest lately and one of the interesting things that I have been finding, is how America moved itself through the 50s and into the 60s in that OTT American way that we love.

A great way to move....

Thursday, March 8, 2012

Space 1999

To celebrate our 1999th visitor, I thought that we might refer back to this seminal TV series, looking at the fashion and thinking of the 1970s. Enjoy.....

Saturday, February 25, 2012

Le blog de senova

I came across this blog which is full of amazing 1960's space influenced fashion

so pop on over and see space couture from a french perspective

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Kosmica Paris Experience & Learning The Arts Catalyst

Kosmica Paris Experience & Learning The Arts Catalyst
How will we live in space? maybe the Kosmica rendevous in Paris on March the 11th will give us some insights

The arts catalyst is a really interesting organisation who are exploring art and design in space.

KOSMICA Paris - Sunday 11 March 2012, 6-10pm

With a focus on Artists working with satellites, tonight's presentations will be made in a mixture of French and English, the line up includes:
Roger Malina, astronomer, editor and Distinguished Professor of Art and Technology at the University of Texas, where he is developing Art-Science R and D and Experimental publishing research. Malina is the former Director of the Observatoire Astronomique de Marseille Provence and his specialty is in space instrumentation; he was the Principal Investigator for the NASA Extreme Ultraviolet Explorer Satellite at the University of California, Berkeley. He also has been involved for 25 years with the Leonardo organization whose mission is to promote and make visible work that explores the interaction of the arts and sciences and the arts and new technologies.
Nelly Ben Hayoun considers ‘Surreal Interactions’ and proposes how we could embed creativity in our daily lives. With creations like The Soyuz Chair, Royal College of Art Design Interactions MA graduate, Nelly explores the possibilities of space tourism, weightlessness and the thrill of the unknown.
Marko Peljhan studied theatre and radio directing at the University of Ljubljana. He is professor in interdisciplinary studies at the University of California, Santa Barbara. Since 2005 he has been coordinating the design and utilisation projects, including the development of a polar orbit microsatellite, for the final Arctic and Antarctic Makrolab missions as part of the International Polar Year (2007/2008). Pelhjan is flight director of zero-g flights 1-3 with the Noordung group, and organiser of flight 1 with the GCTC with Kitsou Dubois
Juan José Díaz Infante's Ulises is a nanosatellite being launched soon next year, conceptualised and developed by a Mexican group of artists during the past year: The Mexican Space Collective. Ulises is born out of the necessity of creation of parallel and alternate reality, explores the need of any citizen on Earth to be able to shape any future he wants not being dependant on the system. In this special Kosmica evening we will show the personal journal of the mission’s director, a day-to-day intimate journal of his different experiences as the shaping of this project has taken place. A story worth telling.
Regina Peldszus asks - how will we actually live in space?  Regina Peldszus’s work in space architecture and design explores the psychological challenges of isolation and monotony of space crew on extended exploration missions. And concerns human-technology-nature interaction in extreme environments, off-duty and medical design aspects in space and their spin-offs. She is based at the Design Research Centre and the Astronautics & Space Systems Group, Kingston University London.

Monday, January 30, 2012

Knitted space rockets and accessories

I wonder whether we will have knitted accessories in space?
I came across this knitted rocket spaceship from Russia and will add more as I come to them..

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

What would a shop look like in space?

I was wondering how we would shop for our space couture in space and thought that it might look something like this... well let's see as this thought develops....

The first image is from Issey Miyake and one of his Japanese stores
Walter van Bierendonck  exhibition "AAARGH Monsters in Fashion"

Commes des Garcon store, New York

Commes des Garcon store, Hong Kong

Tuesday, January 24, 2012

Students opportunity to study at NASA in 2012

NASA Academy 2012 opportunities

ESA is sponsoring students from ESA Member and Cooperating States to attend the 2012 NASA Academy at Ames Research Center in California, USA from 13 June to 25 August 2012.

Through the International Space Education Board (ISEB), established by NASA, ESA, JAXA and CSA (with CNES as a member), ESA is able to offer European students the opportunity to take part in the prestigious NASA Academy.

The NASA Academy is a ten-week, intensive summer research programme generally conducted in different NASA centres. Designed for undergraduate and graduate students interested in aerospace engineering and space sciences, it enables them to participate in NASA-led research projects while also developing leadership and networking skills.

The application deadline is 8 January 2012 (midnight CET). The results of the selection process will be announced in March 2012.  

For more information on how to apply please click here to go straight to the page or visit

Sunday, January 22, 2012

Walter van Beirendonck, space influences fashion

Walter van Bierendonck is a belgian designer who utilises space in his influences and research, ending up with a very personal collection of out of this world experiences. a great example of this is the collection from 1999 entitled "Alien Spirits"